Weekly Reflection - 4th Sunday of Easter

"I am the Good Shepherd.  I know mine and mine know me."  (Jn10:14)

The Gospel this weekend speaks of intimacy.  Christ is the Good Shepherd who calls each of us by name.  There is the sharing of lives.  He knows every detail of our lives and loves us despite our limitations and weaknesses.  However, he invites me to become exactly the person he created me to be.  He loves me and wants the best for me.

He also is our model in building relationships.  We must open up with others so they may feel confidence to open up to us as well.  In today's world, evangelization requires that we listen to the other person's story without judgement and meet them where they are at.  Then we are invited to walk with them in taking the next step whatever that might be.  


Questions for Reflection: 

  • Can I say that I have an intimate relationship with Christ? 
  • Is the definition of my prayer that of sharing my life with him? 
  • Do I listen to others attentively or do I already form judgements in my mind? 
  • Am I willing to walk with someone in their journey towards Christ or do I let go too early?



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