Weekly Reflection - 4th Sunday of Ordinary Time

"Love never fails." (1 Cor. 13:8)


This 4th Sunday of Ordinary Time, the liturgy presents us St. Paul's beautiful hymn of charity.  He describes it as the greatest of the gifts.  If we don't have love, we are nothing.  Christ in the Last Supper called it his New Commandment.  Therefore it is not an option.  We sing together in the liturgy of the Last Supper "Where true charity is dwelling, God is present there."  The primitive Church grew because of the witness of love that was seen. 


St. Paul describes what it is not and what it is so that each of us can examine ourselves.  It's not uncommon for us simply to react to others the same way we feel we are treated by them.  St. John of the Cross gives us a glimpse of what our final exam will be; we will simply be judged on love.


Questions for Reflection: 

  • Do I often find myself justifying my lack of charity because of the behavior of others? 
  • Am I aware that to love those who love me is not enough for the Christian? 
  • Do I find charity outside of the home easier and even find excuses to spend time away?

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