Weekly Reflection - Anniversary of the Dedication of the Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament (Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time)

"Like living stones let yourselves be built into a spiritual house." (1 Peter 2:5)


This weekend in the Diocese of Sacramento we celebrate the Anniversary of the Dedication of the Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament.  We belong to the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church.  As well, we are members of a local Church which is the Diocese of Sacramento and a particular Church which is Good Shepherd Parish.  Our common baptism unites us all where we have equal rights and duties.

Every member is important and essential.  Each of us has a particular role to play in the building up of our Church.  When we see things about the Bride of Christ which we know needs improvement, we have to be convinced that with my prayers, works and most importantly the holiness of my life, I really make a difference.  The words of President John F. Kennedy can be applied to the Church "Do not ask what your country (church) can do for you, ask what you can do for your country (church).


Questions for Reflection: 

  • Am I truly aware I have a specific mission within the Church that no one else can do? 
  • Do I realize that by my Baptism I have the duty to seek holiness and participate in the works of the Church? 
  • Am I convinced that the way I live my Christian life is the one thing I am responsible for and really does build up the Church or limit her growth?

What's Happening at Good Shepherd


1st & 3rd Sunday 11 am Mass

Children's Liturgy of the Word

Sunday 9 & 11 am Masses

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