Weekly Reflection - Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God (2023)

"The Lord bless you and keep you!" (Num. 6:24)


This Sunday is the Solemnity of Mary the Mother of God.  She is known as Theotokus or God bearer.  Because Jesus is true man and true God, by giving him life she is truly his mother.  It is not a coincidence that we begin a new year traditionally in her honor.  This year promises to be like other years, full of joys and sorrows.  We instinctively ask for God's blessing in a special way.


Our proposals should begin in God, continue with him and finish in him. When we desire that God give us his blessing, we need to do our part to have a life pleasing to Him.  We should pray as if everything depends on God (as it truly does) and work as if everything depends on us.  When we do this, we can be assured that even though the outcome may not be as we desire, it will be for our good.  By uniting our will with God's will, no matter what happens we find peace.


Questions for Reflection: 

  • Is my highest priority to do God's will? 
  • Do I accept contradictions in life without losing my peace? 
  • Does my happiness lie in doing God's will?

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