Father Michael's Weekly Reflection

Weekly Reflection - 14th Sunday of Ordinary Time

Three times I begged the Lord about this, that it might leave me, but he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for power is made perfect in weakness." (2 Cor. 12:8-9)


This is the Fourteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time.  St. Paul gives us a glimpse into his soul.  He speaks of a thorn in his side.  We have all experienced something which in our estimation, prevents us from being happy and holy.  God's ways are not our ways.  He knows that many times, if the thorn was removed we would quickly become proud and not depend on Him.  Humility is the path to God.  God will always give us sufficient grace for whatever we have to face in life.  


There was a man who had a huge boulder in his front yard that he asked God to remove.  Time went by and it seemed that God wasn't listening.  During the night the evil one told him that God isn't really good all the time. At that moment, a divine light entered and he heard a voice telling him to push the rock.  The man pushed and pushed to no avail.  At the point of despair, God asked him to go and look at himself in the mirror.  Gazing at himself, he realized how strong he had become.  God told him that it was never his will that the stone would be removed but rather it would make him stronger and he would become a support others.


Questions for Reflection: 

  • Do I trust God in adversity? 
  • Do I know the serenity prayer? 
  • Looking back on my life, have I realized how I have grown through adversity?

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