Weekly Reflection - 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time (2022)

"I tell you, there will be rejoicing among the angels of God over one sinner who repents." (Lk. 15:10)


This is the 24th Sunday of Ordinary Time.  God has mercy on the repentant sinner.  It's hard for us to imagine that we do not offend God in any way.  St. Paul said that he did not do the good that he wanted but the bad that he didn't.  St. Augustine when speaking of Original Sin said that any of us are capable of anything.  


Christ paid our debt on the cross.  He chose to take our place there.  In the parable of the Prodigal Son, the son had to return home.  The Father did not leave the house but waited for the son to return (Cardinal Robert Sarah). God's mercy is our greatest treasure.  It's impossible to not leave confession with the right disposition, renewed and in peace. Let us ask God's mercy in a special way today on 9/11 to remember those who lost their lives and for their families who remain.  


Questions for Reflection: 

  • Do I approach the Sacrament of Confession regularly? 
  • Am I able to overcome my fear by renewing my faith in my merciful Savior who awaits me there? 
  • In recognizing my own shortcomings, am I able to be compassionate to those of my neighbor?

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