Weekly Reflection - 2nd Sunday of Advent (2022)

"Produce good fruit as evidence of your repentance" (Mt. 3:8)


This is the second Sunday of Advent.  The liturgy presents us St. John the Baptist to guide us in our Advent journey.  He was the last and greatest of the prophets.  By his holiness, people thought he was the Christ.  His sole purpose and mission was to point out the Savior and lead people to him.

We should prepare the way of the Lord.  "He must increase and I must decrease."  Repentance is necessary in order to enter into right relationship with God.  We must long for the Savior in a real way and actively seek our own conversion of heart.  The Holy Spirit will help us discover areas in our lives where we can be more generous.  

Questions for Reflection: 

  • How much time do I spend thinking about myself and my things? 
  • Do I honestly depend on Christ or my own strength and human efforts? 
  • Is there an area in my life that I try to manage without reference to Christ?

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