Weekly Reflection - 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time (2022)

"I have competed well; I have finished the race; I have kept the faith." (2 Tim. 4:7)


This is the 30th Sunday of Ordinary Time.  St. Paul finds himself at the end of his life and gives us a glimpse of his heart.  He recalls his first encounter with the Lord and the promise offered him to be a vessel of election.  He would be shown how much he was to suffer for Christ.


He left us a litany of hardships he endured for Christ including stoning, being shipwrecked, and persecution from within and without.  There were certainly moments of discouragement and the temptation to give up.  His faith and love for Christ enabled him to pass through the fire unscathed.  He suffered for Christ and was rewarded.  The day of our departure may be sooner than later.  If we persevere until the end we can also await the crown promised to us.


Questions for Reflection: 

  • Do I prove my love for Christ by good works? 
  • Do I pray every day for the grace of final perseverance? 
  • What has enabled me to persevere until now? 
  • What lessons have I learned through my falls?

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