Weekly Reflection - 4 Sunday of Advent

"Blessed are you who believed that what was spoken to you by the Lord would be fulfilled."  (Lk 1:45)

This 4th Sunday of Advent we contemplate the Blessed Virgin Mary.  Only Mary can say "this is my body, this is my blood" in reference to her son. (St. John Paul II).  She forgot about herself in order to attend the needs of her cousin Elizabeth.  Elizabeth proclaimed her Blessed and admired her faith.

Every action in Mary's life was an extension of her initial "yes" to God's plan.  She had to walk in the midst of lights and shadows trusting in God's fidelity to his promises.  The Christmas mystery we are about to celebrate is a reality check for us regarding the unexpected events that occur in our lives as well.  God never reveals his whole plan for us but rather shows us what he expects for us today in the present moment of our lives.  

Question for Reflection:  

  • Do I have a living and active faith like Mary?  
  • Do I question God when things don't go my way?  
  • Have I learned to abandon myself to his divine providence or do I lack trust and give in to worry and anxiety?

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