Weekly Reflection - 4th Sunday of Advent (2022)

"Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary your wife into your home." (Mt. 1:20)


This is the Fourth Sunday of Advent.  The days leading up to Christmas bring us into the realism of the Gospel mystery.  We are accustomed to celebrate Christmas with Nativity scenes, Christmas carols and sumptuous food.  God did not free Joseph and Mary from moments of pain and darkness.


Joseph hoped against all hope.  It made no sense to him how Mary was pregnant and had resolved to dismiss her with as much respect as possible.  However, his trust in God was total and he received the clarity he needed only by the message of an angel.  There are many lessons of heroic virtue that can be overlooked during these days.  If we live by faith and not by sight trusting in God's fidelity to his promises we also will be rewarded as Joseph was.


Questions for Reflection: 

  • Have I become too accustomed with the mysteries of our faith? 
  • When tempted to complain because of life's difficulties do I look to the example of Joseph and Mary's unwavering faith? 
  • Do I understand that trust is either total or not at all?

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