Weekly Reflection - 5th Sunday of Easter (2022)

"Master, show us the Father, and that will be enough for us." (Jn. 14:8)


This is the Fifth Sunday of Easter.  Jesus shows us the face of the Father.  Jesus loved the Father and had an intimate relationship with Him.  The Lord has opened for us by our Baptism, the opportunity to share in the Father's love.  We are sons in the Son.  


This filial relationship with God is the foundation of our whole spiritual life.  We can say Abba in the Holy Spirit.  We can enter into daily communication with our Father through the exercise of the theological virtues given to us at Baptism.  Like Jesus, our desire is to give Him glory by fulfilling His will out of love.  Finally, we strive to bring all those who we meet to also experience the Father's love.


Questions for Reflection: 

  • Do I love God the Father? 
  • Can I say that I share my life with Him daily? 
  • Do I lean on His power and trust in His divine providence?
  • Is His love enough for me?

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