Weekly Reflection - 7th Sunday of Ordinary Time

"For if you love those who love you, what credit is that to you?" (Lk 6:32)


This Sunday is the 7th of Ordinary Time. Christ challenges us to love without limits.  Our natural tendency is to love those who love us.  Christian love is supernatural and requires us even to love our enemies.  We often demonize people or think that people intentionally harm us.  In all of us there exists a frailty that is part of being wounded by original sin.  It's normally not the person's intention.  Even if it was, we are called to love them as well.  

We must simply love as Christ has loved us.  It is necessary to learn to forgive and forget.  Every person has a positive quality that we should focus on and weaknesses upon which we should exercise compassion.  We are left speechless before the example of Jesus who forgave those who nailed him to the cross.  In our own time, all have admired the example of St. John Paul II forgiving his would-be assassin in prison.

Questions for Reflection: 

  • Do I always forgive? 
  • Do I frequently hold grudges? 
  • Am I aware that my weaknesses also offend others?

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