Weekly Reflection - Christ the King (2022)

"Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom." (Lk. 23:42)


This Sunday is the Solemnity of Christ the King.  This marks the end of the liturgical year.  Christ is the king of the universe.  In his earthly life, his humanity veiled his divinity many times.  This is most evident in his passion when he allowed himself to receive the most unjust treatments on our behalf.  By his stripes we were healed.

At the end of times, there will be no mistake that he is king.  Even by submitting to his gentle yoke here we find peace and the promise of immortality to come.  In our relationship with him, there is no middle ground.  We are either for him or against him.  We cannot serve two masters.  In a world that tries to push him out, we are called to give witness to him.  Let us share the joy of belonging to him with everyone we meet.

Question For Reflection: 

  • Can I say that the meaning of my life is to extend the kingdom of Christ? 
  • Does he reign in my heart? 
  • Do I stand up for him in a world that tries to deny his kingship?

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