Weekly Reflection - Christmas (2022)

"For today in the city of David a savior has been born for you who is Christ and Lord." (Lk. 2:11)


This Sunday is the Solemnity of the Nativity of the Lord.  A savior has been born for us.  We repeat in the Creed that for us men (humankind) and for our salvation he came down from heaven.  God's love is universal and personal at the same time.  He loves each one of us as if we were the only person in the world.  Christ thought of me personally when he took on our flesh.


Let us admire with great wonder the way God loves us.  He doesn't just say it but proves it in deeds and works.  It didn't have to be this way: a defenseless infant in a manger.  There is only one worthy response which is to love him in return.  No one else can do this for me.  Love is paid by love. With Christ, we may be alone but never lonely.  He is the answer to the enigma of our life and has come to reveal us to ourselves.


Questions for Reflection: 

  • In this busy Christmas season, have I kept my eyes fixed on Christ? 
  • Do I love Christ above all else or have other loves crept in my heart? 
  • In my life until now, what have I done for Christ, what am I doing for him now? and what am I not willing to do for him?

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